The Last to Leave: Poem Interpretation

The Poem “The Last to Leave” by Leon Gallert is poem which contains many meanings, many interpretations. The poem itself is subtle yet powerful, portraying a vivid image of War in a land far away. Some consider this poem to be about the true horrors of war while others see it has a peaceful poem highlighting the inner dynamics of war. The subject of war is not peaceful and the images he describes aren’t exactly heart-warming, but the reflection of the past in poetry is beautiful. Ideas of war refined into flowing lines is similar to a picture being painted, both art forms force us to imagine and reflect. War is an abstract thing, and poetry is really a key hole into which people can see the inner sanctum of sacrifice and death. This poem is a tribute to those left behind at a quiet beach or field. Those who are never known yet never forgotten. The definition of war is truly a mass sacrifice and this poem provides an insight into it. Whether it is Gallipoli, Kokoda or Fromelles this poem describes the scenery of war. In war there may be a loss of life, but never a loss of spirit.


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